We have had a very uneventful weekend at the Lough Ranch. The girls have been fighting and arguing this evening. I try to let them make decisions and solve their own problems, but that doesn't always work out... so Mean Mom had to step in. Let me give you the situation... Briley stated crying, so Brett must have done something to her. She confessed, she kicked Bri. So Mean Mom made Brett stand in a dark corner. Well, two minutes later, Briley confessed, she was being mean to Brett. So yes, Briley must stand in another corner... the one by the door. I thought...
standing in the corner is not as much fun playing together, so lets be nice to each other while we play. I was on the computer and they were behind me in the corners. I turned around to check on them, expecting to see tears and boy was I wrong. Briley had smeared grease from the door hinge all over the door and her face... she looked like an Indian ready for war. She also smeared grease all over the door. Mean Mom turned into "Ready to Beat Butt Mom" and put the girls in the tub. After cooling off a bit while cleaning the door, I scrubbed Briley's face in the tub. (the cool off time allowed Briley to keep her rotten grin, intead of scrubbing it off) While washing their hair, Briley looked up at me shaking her hand, nodding her head like a rock star and loudly sings, "You gotta help me!" She is rotten... where did she get that?
We also had a family Wii Bowling Party last night. The professional Wii bowler, Brett, had an off night and lost. The rest of us sure enjoyed that... she usually kills us with scores around 200. Blake can finally beat me at tennis (only on the Wii, not on the court), and I hit a personal best in golf with 2 under par, beating Blake by 10 strokes.