Brett recently celebrated the 100th day of school. Hooray! She thought the day was a hit; no homework, special treats, and wearing funny hats. What more could a first grader want... maybe a better picture, ha ha! Don't you love those missing front teeth? She has been waiting 3 long months for the chicklets to grow in. We hope they come in before sweet corn season. (You know, that's only 5 months away, and thanks to Mr. Groundhog we know 6 weeks of that will be winter, I hope he keeps his promise.)
We also celebrated the 100th day of school. In fourth grade, not such a big deal. To fourth graders, and their teacher, this means... we are over half way though the year! HOORAY!!! (You know, May is only 4 months away, and Mr. Groundhogs will be hibernating until the middle od March.)
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