Monday, March 16, 2009

Working Ranch Magazine

One of my favorite new magazines to read is Working Ranch. I read the "Montana's Fritz Charolais" article and had to chuckle. This article is a journal of a family cattle operation. In this article the family has a Wii bowling game to see who puts the cows in the barn that night. I think this family is related to my dad somehow. When we all still lived at home, he was the king of this sort of thing. We would draw toothpicks to see who would chore, or get the mail... or whatever. Let me explain, he would get six different toothpick and break one off, so it was shorter. Well, whoever got the short toothpick had to chore or whatever. Being the oldest sibling, if I got the short one, I would try to con someone into going with me. I was usually successful. I always went for the sucker... any guesses who that was? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At the Lough Ranch, we play rock, paper, scissors. I am still a con-artist; it might be considered blackmail now!


Anonymous said...

Like the working ranch magazine, too. I could reply to most of the blogs from that farm girl! Glad you are keeping the traditions going - love MOM & DAD

Anonymous said...

Soooo conning is a trait of the oldest child??? That helps me to better understand Dexter.....I swear he could make a living at it. LETS HOPE NOT!!!! Hahaha!

Lough Family

Lough Family
Blake, Leslie, Brett and Briley

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier