Look Mom... no training wheels. Briley finally convinced me to take off her training wheels, again. But this time I was shocked, she took off wobbling down the driveway, peddling. All be, she was riding her bike. In most cases, I have to push Brett to do everything. It started way back with her learning to crawl, she didn't. She was content with sitting, why learn to ride a bike, training wheels are fine. After I push and push, she succeeds. But Briley... I never have to push, I might need to start pulling her back. A few months ago, we tried taking off the training wheels, she crashed. Bri tried and tried but couldn't get it. Well this time, she got it... look out Ragbrai!
Briley looks like a pro! The new look to the blog page is GREAT - much easier to read. Keep on blogging - Love MOM
Way to go Briley. Keep the bandaids handy. I hope Dally and Daisy stay out of the way. Get ready Clara and Tayden. Briley is liable to show up at your door. I am anxious to see the camper. Just from the pictures it looks like you have already made a lot of progress.
Aunt Julie
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