Here is a picture of my latest excitement, a green egg. One of my youngest hens (about 6 months old) started laying. They are Americana Chickens so they lay greenish-blue eggs. Two days ago, to my surprise, I found a green egg. Today I found another, so now I have 2 green eggs. How beautiful!
okay, i'll be honest...the green egg creeps me out a little! kinda cool though!
You should read your class green eggs & ham and take your green eggs! Yea chickens, Love MOM
Wow! Do you think Dr.Seus knew of Americana chickens before he wrote the book? Just what exactly makes them green? Heck, what makes them white? And could you tell me again which came first? The chicken or the egg? lol...Sorry....
I'm no longer jealous of your chickens. And by the way, I think you may have done TO MUCH chicken research. When you said my chickens would only lay every other day....you were right. Got our first one Saturday...nothing Sunday....another egg today. Think you may be a TRUE chicken farmer.
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