It takes teamwork at the ranch to make pies, Grandma Chuck makes the crust (from scratch), I roll out the crust, we cut up the fruit, she adds the sugar, cinnamon or whatever, and I roll out the top crust and put it together. I must confess we make a mean team, but you should see our disaster in the kitchen. Before Bri went to school, Grandma Chuck let her help with the process and gave her Great Great Grandma Opal's pie pan. Bri takes complete ownership and has to make her little pie every time the rolling pin hits the table! Bri made a delicious apple pie this time. We freeze them and bake them whenever we need a treat. A couple of these are for the church bazaar on Saturday.
Looks like she will be a pie baker for life! I love the pics of her with her pie! Did you see Dawson with his muffins, they would make a mean baking team!!!
I'm so excited to come and check out the pies Saturday night. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Great pictures! Good thing someone is keeping the traditions going. Better get Bri to making the crust as I hate that part myself. I used to be in your spot, Les. Love MOM
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