Haying the cows was a family event over Christmas break. Usually, during this event we would all load in the truck with snacks (popcorn or chips) and a few beverages, then head for the hay. Our cattle operation reminds me of a Clint Eastwood movie...

the GOOD,
the BAD,

I was shocked to see that the good, bad and ugly were the cows and not some other family members.
What are you saying Ed??? I love it...nice take on the cows.
Goodness we have no bad or ugly in this family girls. But it is 8:30a.m. and where is my sister Sue Ellen! She hasn't been this late before??? Maybe you all better check on your mother! Hope all is well! Keep up the good work blogging! We all enjoy! Love ya all. Aunt Lisa
Well, first of all where is the beautiful background that has been on this blog? My Good, Bad, and Ugly came up plain blue! We have had alot of UGLY cows and when the calf check comes in who cares -- Now you will probably never sell that heifer for the show ring! Good blog, Love MOM
Since you are a Clint Eastwood fan, this Missouri CROP farmer says, "You can keep your cows ANY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE in my field!" FROM JAMIE
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