Here at the Lough Ranch, or should I call it Project City, we have been very busy cutting, tying, and taping.

The girls made fleece blankets, they even picked out their own colors and patterns.

We used zebra duck-tape to embellish the "show tote" (like a show box, that will go to the fair with the bottle calves, and hold feed, buckets, brushes and other useful objects... is it big enough?)

We have also adorned our lovely cowboy hats with beautiful pink, cheap, silk flowers. These Dollar General jewels replaces the large feathers and provide a taste of girly-ness to the hat.
Last week we welcomed Canon Guy to the family, our projects started then, when Brett helped me embroidery-thread quilt a blanket for her newest cousin. Her stitches were not even and sometimes she would miss a stitch... but looking at the finished project, one couldn't tell her stitches from mine?????
It's fair time and projects just race into your head! You are ready for 4-H girls. Your projects look great and the show "tote" looks very efficient as long as there is NO setting on the show box! Looking forward to seeing all and enjoying your group at the fair! Love, MOM
Way to be ladies!!!! The projects look great and Canon loves the quilt made by the Lough Ladies!!!
Way to go girls. Can't wait to see the cowgirls hat on . . . you will definately be the most fashion forward cowgirls at the DC Fair.
Sheri S (aka-The Craft Lady)
Love it Love it Love it!!!!!! That is the cutest show box/tote I have ever seen. Good luck little Lough ladies. Dawn T
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