Monday morning, we got the call... "Dad's moving cows today, can you keep them out of your yard and let the neighbors know?" Now, most people move cows with trailers, or horses, but not us... we move them right down the rode. That means, Dad leads the cows with his truck and a feed bucket and the rest of us keep them on the road and out of yards along the way. And "most" of the time this works well, but I can recall a few times that it did NOT! Once they shot through the evergreens at Helen's, another time they followed the truck out, got spooked, and returned to the pasture at a high rate of speed. A few years ago, the old cows were trained to travel from Richard's to Pete's (our ranch) except, curve ball, they were going to home, so they just circled the ranch house, and headed on down the road. Sometimes, the "I'm sick of running down the road" cow jumps the road fence and is M.I.A. for a few days... always unpredictable.

The next generation in training!

Here they come... I almost had to hurtle the fence, Olympic style, to keep them out of our hay... almost!
Get along little doggies!

And there they go... only with a few communication errors this time, the lovely ladies returned home to feed on fresh round bales of hay and sparkling ice cold water for a few months until they will produce another bumper crop of calves.
I love moving cows this's the only way I've ever known!
Great post! Moving cows usually means I make a rash decision and guess wrong! Again this year I managed to screw up! I just cannot read that mind even though been trying for 35 years! Love, MOM
Homemade gifts were wonderful and I think I love this tradition more and more each year!
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