Sunday, October 30, 2011


We had a few early Trick or Treaters tonight, so I made the "costume up" for our guests. I made them into clowns... the same costume I once wore. My mom made these clown suits for my cousins, my brother, and me to Trick or Treat my Grandpa Harold in the hospital. The stripes and dots are showing a little age, but are still as cute as can be!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Again this year we planted a smalll patch of the ranch in soybeans last spring. With our 18 acres of beans, we hire out our planting and harvesting. It took our "custom farmer" two hours to cut the beans. Within the two hours, the girls and I took BBQ beef sandwiches to the field. I remember loading in the station wagon with grandma and mom to take lunch to the field, to Edna's. It was ice tea and wash-day dinner at its best, on the tailgate those fall days. Later, I also remember being bummed because I had to go to school and everyone else got to take lunch to the field.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Little Pumpkin

Our little pumpkin is now a Jack-o-lantern.  Halfpint has pulled two teeth this week.  Hope the Tooth Fairy remembers this time!

Lough Family

Lough Family
Blake, Leslie, Brett and Briley

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier