We had a guest stay over a few days while her parents were out of town. The girls love when she comes over to play and really love when she stays all night. They played and played and had tons of fun... they also folded laundry, not by choice. We also made Hollyhock dolls from the the flowers I transplanted from our neighbor. I can't remember how or when I learned how to make Hollyhock dolls but sometime, somewhere in my 31 years I acquired the skill of making these dolls from the flower of a Hollyhock, it was a big hit with the girls! However the Hollyhocks might be endangered!

Grandma Chuck supplied the knowledge of these dolls -- One more piece of heritage! Glad you are passing it on. Love MOM
My Grandma Baughman showed me how to make the dolls years ago. I think I may need a refresher course now. A lost art of simple pleasures of summertime past!
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