Buffalo Bill and Tiny Tim are a few of the newest creatures here on the Lough Ranch. Bill is
gi-normous, that is a cross between gigantic and enormous. Tim is his brother... and half his size. They have the same sire, Sun-seeker. Both Tim and Bill will accompany the girls to the DC Fair in the Cattleman's bucket-bottle calf class. Yes, Halfpint is finally old enough to take a calf to the fair... that is if "we" can get them broke to lead... I will pull some calf breaking experience out of my old suitcase. Oh, those were the days of Dad instructing and coaching, but NOT doing. I might need some new lessons on stepping back and only watching, same experiences... different side!
I wish you luck at stepping forward! If you step back you might not have girls learning about those fair experiences. Every family has to set their own traditions. Your father had some strong opinions but I think you all turned out excellent! Love MOM
Les, I am sure you will do a great job getting those girls and calves ready. The fair will be here in a flash as time seems to fly! We got through MAP testing!! YEA Hope all of your students did great! The girls are as adorable as ever. Hope to see you all before long. Love Ya
I feel like a proud mama!! Boy my babies have grown..but i am so glad to see your girls feeding them instead of me!!! Looks like your girls are enjoying them, suppose we will have a whole heard at the fair again someday???
I sure hope I'm the fried chicken (or maybe sandwiches) grandma to get those little darlings through show day! Can't wait -- Love Mom again in reply to Lindsay's comment
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