Monday, September 27, 2010


We recently traveled to Omaha to Ak-sar-ben to the Rodeo and Stock Show... great rodeo, good times, wonderful weekend! On our little weekend great-a-way, we went to the Twister Fork for supper, this little joint on Market Street is amazing. I am now, after 9 years, INSPIRED to paint my white living room walls! Let me know what you think!

As soon as the snow flies, I will get got my paint brushes!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Run for it!

My afternoon commute was very soggy, I was even considering pulling over because it was raining so hard. I did not have my encouraging sidekick by my side, Pigpen. The Rubber Duck trudged along and made it just fine, and the girls told me they had "to make a run for it" from the bus to the house. They did get a little wet, but they did not melt! Rain is forcasted for the next few days, we may have to bale the yard.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Science Projects

Well, I am not proud of this but I must confess... I had a few Science projects growing in my refrigerator. Back to school means no one is here during the day to eat the leftovers. Therefor they live in my Tupperware (thanks to Mrs. Sprouse) for WAY to long. Let me describe. The roast beef was fuzzy, the salsa was extra chunky, the hard boiled eggs were greenish slimy, and I believe I almost had watermelon wine. No fear, the Science projects are all in the weeds composting as we speak and my refrigerator has a pleasant smell again!

We must update the real Science projects... we have chrysalises 7 that we are anxiously watching and waiting for them to turn into beautiful monarch butterflies.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


As I was just brushing my teeth and prying my old retainer in my mouth, I realized that the old, thin, DC Football t-shirt I had on looked like the stylist BURNT-OUT t-shirts that one can buy in stores today. You know the ones that are almost see-though, the ones that moms have to wear tank tops under, the ones that are to look wore out... well, DC Football is burnt-out, worn out, almost see-though with holes under the arms, and one of my favorite, old, soft, cotton, comfy shirts!

Lough Family

Lough Family
Blake, Leslie, Brett and Briley

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier