Brett has a bottle calf, Cowboy. She will take him to the fair in the Cattlemen's Buckle-Bottle Calf Class in a few weeks. The girls feed him everyday, even in the rain (picture). They are getting tired of feeding him, so mom came up with a new trick... I told the girls feeding the calf was like taking a field trip to a farm, and when they got back to the house they could draw pictures or journal about the trip. By the end of my little idea, Briley was jumping up and down, ready to go. Brett looked at me like I was the craziest lady in a circus. She thought "Oh boy, we live on a farm, how exciting!" Someday she will appreciate the experiences!
Now if I'm not mistaken that sounds just like something a teacher would do :) Looking forward to seeing everyone at the DC Fair.
you crack me up....once a teacher, always a teacher!
Cute photo - Keep them on track. Can't wait to see what you dress the calf up as this year! Get them thinking about it. Love MOM
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