Sunday night we had a hail storm, and this is my pathetic garden. My garden was going great; few small green tomatoes, 2 green pepper, almost knee-high potatoes, pea pods. Now we are back to square one... nothing! I guess it not to late to replant. Does anyone have garden crop insurance?

This picture is the west end of our house. We were not home during the storm, but we think the hail must have been at least golf ball size.

Here is the the whole end. All the little black spots are holes. At first glance, we thought it might be leaves... oh yea, we don't have trees! Notice the screens are out and on the ground. Luckily the windows didn't break. Bloomfield got hit really hard, a lot of broken windows, tree damage, and trashed siding. The good news... no one was hurt and these "things" can be fixed or replaced!
Nice new background! I think I read this today but the background has changed. You did help your sisters blog -- Love MOM
p.s. be patient but firm with your little swimmer
Been thinking of you guys. Please let us know if you want help one weekend replanting your garden, we would love to come up and lend a helping hand.
Just read your moms comment. Does Lori or Lindsay have a blog? Would love to follow it if they do.
Take Care, Libby
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