What a crew of "strippers!" Adam and his strippers came over to help take off the siding a few days ago. They stripped siding, shirts, and yes... one even his pants! You might be a redneck if... your friend rips off siding in his boxers!
Yesterday, ARM Associates came to replace the siding. The replacement guys looked a little different them the "strippers." Let me describe; beards, straw hats, suspenders, dark pants, sleeved shirts and work boots.
Our house is looking much better, the girls and I are off to Menard's to buy new shutters. Some of the garden is growing back also... Happy Day!
What a great picture! We have the ARM Assoc at our house today and yes they do not look like your strippers. Love MOM
OH Leslie, I have laughed out loud at the picture. Looks like they belong in MO-MO :) Libby
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