Monday, July 6, 2009

Bad Day

Yesterday, we decided to go to the lake with the Pon-COON, after we cleaned up the fairground from the rodeo. (I didn't go to church) So we left our house about 12:30 p.m. Two miles before Moravia, POP, we blew a tire on the boat trailer. After finding a man to get a tire, 3 hours in the car, and 4 grumpy people, we made it to the lake. The stress of the tire experience sucked the fun right out of the trip. Today, I started mowing the yard... ran out of gas. Then I went to get the clothes out of the washer and it did not drain... the switch was hanging by a wire and not working. So I took the clothes out and hung them on the clothesline. As I was hanging up the last soaking wet towel... the clothesline tumbles to the ground. "SO YOU HAD A BAD DAY"
Lesson learned... go to church next week!


Lori said...

It would have been worse to start this week off that way 15 years ago!!! (loose the calves or something) At least we just get to enjoy the fair and don't have to be there. Nice song, by the way!!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

what a stinky day! here's hoping the rest of your week is better...and just think--in 2 years you'll read back over this post and laugh!

Anonymous said...

You have just relearned a lesson we all know anyway! Sure could have been worse day, nobody was hurt, gas in Dad's barrel, you probably put the clothesline up in the first place and can do it again. Love MOM

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier