Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

As an assignment today, I instructed my fourth graders to write a paragraph about the one thing they are the most thankful for. We have been working on writing a paragraph for weeks... main idea sentence and supporting details. I tried to give them an example paragraph but I could not settle on only one topic. Most of them chose either family or friends and their paragraphs are finally starting to improve. Maybe tomorrow, I will instruct them to make a list. May we all reflect on giving thanks during this Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for...

my deep roots,

a close family,

2 beautiful, healthy girls,

my husband,

living on a farm,


our little county church,

fresh air,


small towns,

friends and neighbors,


and most of all... every single day!


shari yahnke said...


Anonymous said...

I think you covered it all! We feel so blessed to have you all so close to enjoy. Know you don't agree with all but you all give us the respect to keep most differences to yourselves. Love, MOM

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier