Monday, August 13, 2012

Let it be...

As I laid in bed Friday night... I worried and thought about all the "what ifs..." what if her goat gets up, what if she just doesn't do her best, what if, what if? What if Boss won't stay moving, what if she can't stay standing, what if Boss takes off?  And at 12:48 a.m., I decide to say a small prayer and let it be... what happens will happen and we will make the best of it!

Saturday morning... Halfpint and I did some Yoga breathing before her performance and I encouraged Penelope get that goat like killing snakes, not picking tullips, as I slapped Tilly on the rump entering the arena. 

Penelope won a Reserve Champion Buckle for Goat Tying at the FBFR Series Rodeo.  This is her second buckle.  The first was 5 years ago in the stick horse race.  I was proud of her then.. but even more proud of her now.  She is becoming an awesome little competitor on her pony Tilly.  She is the queen of second place this summer. 

Halfpint, as you all know, has been practicing her trick-riding on her pony, Boss.  She has wanted to "perform" all summer.  We gave her the chance at the family rodeo Saturday.  She did it... stood up and carried the American Flag during the National Anthem.  She was nervous and scared... but she is a gamer and did a wonderful job... so proud of her!

All their riding and practicing paid off, and we are very proud of them both!  GREAT JOB GIRLS!


Anonymous said...

So proud of those two girls, I loved being able to watch them on Friday practice for the big day, sounds like they did awesome!! Way to go girls, that buckle is beautiful!

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

You are a good mama! I'm afraid if my daughter were standing on a horse I'd have to put a helmet and pads on her! :)

Anonymous said...

I was so tickled to get to see both of those and all the rest last Sat. Girls did a great job and I know they will be planning for next year and thanking you for making them practice. By the way I see you in the background and you did look alittle nervous! Love, MOM

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Lough Family
Blake, Leslie, Brett and Briley

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mother of 2, wife of 13 years, ART teacher, goat tier